Running from my White-ness

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“What I learned in my grade school days was so sugary sweet that I graduated with the belief that America was the savior of the world and that Slavery was a blight caused by a few bad people wiped clean by the heroic Abraham Lincoln.”

“When I got into college and began to take history and philosophy courses, I started to wake up. Some of the required books led me to read other books that opened my eyes to a deeper understanding of our history and the unfolding America. Beyond that was the enlightening accounts of human atrocities across the globe throughout history.”

“…the way to a more united and equal America is by less separation and more conversation…”

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2 thoughts on “Running from my White-ness

  1. Earnest Harris August 15, 2013 / 7:21 pm

    Great piece. Thanks for posting.


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