June Flashback: Moses Roper (English, African-American, Native American) [American]

See on Scoop.itMixed American Life

Known as: 19th century author (Wrote one of the first important books on life as a slave, “Narrative of the Adventures and Escape of Moses Roper from American Slavery”) 

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Light-skinned-ed Girl: Mixed Experience History Month 2013: William P. Powell, Civil War Surgeon

See on Scoop.itMixed American Life

Born in 1834, William P. Powell was the son of a free black man and a Native American mother in Bedford, MA. Powell, Sr. was a vocal abolitionist and helped house black seamen as well as fugitive slaves.

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Light-skinned-ed Girl: Mixed Experience History Month 2013: Solomon Northup, Abolitionist & Author

See on Scoop.itMixed American Life

Solomon Northup was born free circa 1808 to a father who was a freeman of color and a mother who he would describe as a “quadroon”. In 1829, Northup married a mixed-race woman with whom he had three children.

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Robert Purvis(Moroccan, German Jewish, English) [American]

See on Scoop.itMixed American Life

Known as: Abolitionist (Helped establish the Library Company of Colored People and the American Anti-Slavery Society; Involved in the Philadelphia Vigilance Committee which sheltered slaves on the Underground Railroad)
See on dailymultiracial.com