Number Of Unaccompanied Minors Detained At U.S. Border Continues To Rise

The number of unaccompanied minors detained at the U.S. border with Mexico continues to rise, with more than 6,700 taken into custody in December alone, according to the latest figures released this week.


The number is a jump from roughly 5,600 detained in November and 4,973 in October, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Compared to same three-month period in 2014, the number of apprehensions in 2015 represents a 117% jump.


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‘Migration Is Beautiful’ Artist Favianna Rodriguez Talks Immigrant Rights and Art’s

“Meet powerhouse artist/activist Favianna Rodriguez — a leading voice in the movement of artists raising awareness about U.S. immigration issues. – I am OTHER”


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The Rosa Parks Story

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was the greatest, most distinguished African American Woman Civil Rights Activist of our time. The woman known as “the first lady of civil rights” was born February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama to James McCauley and Leona Edwards, her parents, a carpenter and a teacher, respectively. Her ancestry was a mixture of African American, Cherokee-Creek and Scots-Irish, which some say accounts for her fair complexion. In 1932, Rosa married Raymond Parks, a barber from Montgomery, at her mother’s house.


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Stokely Carmichael and Black Power — Abernathy

Cocky. Self-assured. Reckless. Radical. Activist. Organizer. Leader. These words, and more, describe one of the unsung heroes of the Black Power Movement.

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Scared, vulnerable kids migrating from Central America need more legal help

Navigating the American court system without an attorney is hard. Imagine what it’s like for an immigrant child seeking refuge in the U.S. — alone.

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This Hijabi Uber Driver Just Went Viral for the Wrong Reason

Sonia Martinez of Denver, CO has taken the public by storm after reporting yet another case of racial discrimination. As part of the Facebook group “Uber’s Woman Driving Network”, Martinez was attacked by Rene Hunter, another alleged Uber client, concerning her identity as a Muslim Driver for Uber. Her post containing racist sentiments has gone viral, spreading across Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Reditt, and many other forums. Here, she shares her thoughts concerning the recent incident.


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Race, love, hate, and me: A distinctly American story

Over the past 72 hours I have been attacked with lies by the conservative media, lies that have been picked up by the traditional media and spread further. I have kept silent at the advice of friends and mentors, but I will do so no longer.


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Navajo Kindergartner Sent Home First Day of School For Having Long Hair – UPDATE

Navajo Kindergartner with long hair ponytail sent home (2014), School still forbids long hair and ponytails on boys in 2015-2016


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I did more research after Amanda Blackhorse @blackhorse_a asked “Does anyone know where this school is?”


What I found was shocking.

Why Racial Justice Work Needs to Address Settler Colonialism and Native Rights

How can we include settler colonialism in our work – especially as it relates to racism against non-Native people of color? It’s complicated, but this article’s got some crucial answers.


  1. Understand Racism and Settler Colonialism as Connected Forms of Oppression
  2. Examine How Settler Colonialism Creates Tensions Between Anti-Racism Work and Decolonization
  3. Learn That If You’re on US Land, You’re Complicit in Settler Colonialism




  1. Rethinking My Own History of Migration (And My Relationships with Land and Space)
  2. Learning Ways to Stand in Solidarity with Pacific Islanders
  3. Working on Crossing My Privilege Line


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Marissa Johnson

Marissa Janae Johnson (1991?- ), a Black American civil rights leader, is a founder of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapter in Seattle. She is best known nationally for stopping Bernie Sanders from giving a speech in Seattle on August 8th 2015.

Bernie Sanders
 is the most “progressive” (liberal or left-leaning) of those running for US president. He is a White senator from the second Whitest state in the nation. As Johnson rightly notes, he is a class reductionist, making policies that address issues of class in place of race.

Sanders had been interrupted by BLM protesters before
. On July 18th at aNetroots Nation gathering in Arizona, they challenged him and fellow presidential candidate Martin O’Malley to make public their policies on structural racism. O’Malley did that a few days later. Sanders did not.



She now sees it as her duty to make people uncomfortable about living in a racist society.

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